October Message from Carol Jackson, Executive Director

Posted October 25, 2024

Dear Family and Friends:

Some time ago, I wrote about my grandson Jackson. When he was a little boy, he told his grandfather, “Papa, I know why they call it fall. It is because the leaves are falling.” My entire newsletter then focused on how Jackson amazed us with his tactics and unusual statements that made us sigh.

In August, Jackson headed to college in another state. His unforgettable smile and contagious wit went away to a place of higher learning. After spending years in elementary school and graduating from middle and high school, he is now in college. As we adjust to the not-so-day days without Jackson and become acquainted with mere phone calls, we realize life is constantly changing. Years ago, when Jackson was that rambunctious little boy with question after question or simply making his older brother think about how life would be without him, we did not imagine today. My smile is enormous when my phone lights up, and Jackson’s face appears.

I write about Jackson in this newsletter to illustrate how hard work, determination, a plethora of friends, and the unwavering support of a loving and giving mom and a dad who, despite not living in the same house as Jackson, were there during the good times and the bad times in Jackson’s life. The people who loved him shaped him into the person he is today.

As Jackson begins his new college school life, we adjust to life without his daily presence. There are many conversations, prayers, and hopes with him; however, Jackson must make decisions that will honor him and his family.

I share Jackson with our family and friends to say that not all youth have blessings and wonderful people in their lives. Families Matter intentionally supports youth, boys, and young and seasoned men in understanding their value within the family. As we approach this new school season, if there are young men in your life who will benefit from Families Matter, please share the information below with them.  As we intentionally work to assist families in thriving in relationships, we desire to Strengthen Families, Change Lives, and Transform Memphis.  Encouraging individuals in your sphere of influence who may need our services will assist them in becoming their best selves.

To learn more about Families Matter Memphis and our family-strengthening programs, please visit our social media platforms:

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Carol Jackson

Executive Director

Verse of the Day

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?