August Message from Carol Jackson, Executive Director

Posted August 10, 2024

Dear Family and Friends of Families Matter,

I recently heard someone say that compelling storytelling will be significant for teachers and students, but can you imagine the impact of storytelling on fathers and children? I lived in a community where one older gentleman loved sharing his life through storytelling whenever he had an audience. He held our attention as we waited for the school bus at his house. I lived in the country, and waiting for the school bus during winter could be harsh. This family, the McDonalds, opened their homes to all children so we could stay warm.

Mr. Benny would bend our ears with his tales of when he was a child and the wild (not so wild in today’s market) things he encountered. This man had been married for many years and he and his wife had several grown children who lived in the neighborhood. In fact, he and his wife were my best friend’s grandparents. I think I loved best the stories of families and how, no matter how outlandish his stories were, they all ended with the entire room bursting with laughter at his antics. I probably loved the McDonald family as I did because I yearned to have family members like my friend’s family. I often left their home wondering where my father was. If he knew I existed and if he knew me, would he one day try to find me? That was the yearning of a little girl’s heart.

I share that because I believe that is why I love Families Matter‘s work so much. In our different programs, we assist boys and men, girls and women, and children in understanding their role in the family structure. Whether it is our preventive programs, 12 Principles of Manhood, Dynamic Dads, Nurturing Fathers/Families, Raising Highly Capable Children, or our intervention program AFIRM (A Father’s Involvement Really Matters), our work is about CHILDREN. We desire to assist children in being cared for, loved, protected, and financially supported. As schools state, no child is left behind – I add to that by saying, “No child should be without the love of a mother and a father.”

As a faith-based organization, we seek God’s guidance in our programming because we realize we are constantly impacting the lives of individuals. With that in mind, we seek your prayers and your support. Whereas the work is not easy, our faith encourages us that we must continue.

Please visit the Families Matter website at to view our programs, read testimonials, volunteer, and donate to the cause.

On June 20th, we collaborated and celebrated with our family and friends – see the highlights of that great evening below.

Also Families Matter was featured in the Memphis Business Journal and you may read more about that here.

Thank you,

Carol Jackson

Executive Director

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