Diaper changing, crying, late-night feedings and working a full-time job on no sleep are all new experiences for first-time fathers. Dynamic Dads trains rookie fathers how to be responsible and involved in the lives of their newborns, equipping them with the skills and the attitude to be “dynamic dads.”
Most rookie dads feel unprepared for their new role as a father and may feel they lack the skills to care effectively for their new baby. Fear of the unknown, and of failure, is typical. However, when men facing a common challenge get together, a locker room-type of solidarity develops, and they can talk frankly about their experiences and concerns. And, with all the changes and stresses involved in becoming a father, trustworthy information is invaluable.
Dynamic Dads is a program in which veteran fathers, new fathers who bring along their 2- to 6-month-old babies, help to orient rookie fathers-to-be on the realities of fatherhood. This boot camp is a “guy thing” – no women more than 2 feet tall are allowed!
Upcoming Dynamic Dads Workshops
Virtually every other month, Dynamic Dads will offer a workshop for expectant fathers.