September Message from Carol Jackson, Executive Director
Posted September 2, 2021
This month I consider it an honor to share with you the developments within Families Matter through this newsletter. Our educational opportunities, which allow us to work with boys, teenagers, mothers and fathers, have helped participants grow in character and improve their relationship and parenting skills. It is my prayer that as we educate, train and mentor individuals in healthy relationships and parenting skills, their families, too, will benefit from the teachings.
In this issue we will share a Nurturing Fathers class experience, you will meet Families Matter’s Mid-South Hero who was honored by WMC during the month of August, and you will read the accolades from a recent Dynamic Dad’s class participant where 15 men learned how to care for moms and new babies. You will also be given information concerning future events and learn about a very special partnership with a marriage conference designed specifically for Pastors and Church Leaders.
Take a seat, grab a glass of iced tea and enjoy this newsletter. We are pleased to share our efforts of supporting families with you. All of our educational sessions are designed to give support, love, and understanding while providing for the most vulnerable – OUR CHILDREN!
Read our full September newsletter here.
-Carol A. Jackson